Newsletter February 2017

Dear members,

Tiziano has suggested two possible dates for SITM at Genova: July 6-11 (or 12), 2019 or July 8-13 (or 14), 2019, the length of the congress depending on the number of papers. Which one or the two options do you prefer? Leeds  is July 1-4. We established a new doodle poll for this  question. It is:

Would you please give your vote within the next two  weeks?

The topics of the conference are:

  1. costumes and stage decoration
  2. manuscripts and early prints
  3. sacre rappresentazioni
  4. Medieval theater and interaction, circulation and cultural/religious exchanges in the Mediterranean region. [This one includes three of our originally suggested topics.]

Wishing you all the best

Cora Dietl

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